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作者:凤凰棋牌唯一官方网站 | 发布时间: 2025-01-31 | 993 次浏览

SpaceX founder Elon Musk said hes planning a private space mission to transport two paying passengers around the Moon la...
本文摘要:SpaceX founder Elon Musk said hes planning a private space mission to transport two paying passengers around the Moon late next year.SpaceX创始人埃隆·马斯克日前回应自己正在筹划一项私人航天任务,于2018年年底配备两名收费乘客展开绕行月飞行中。

SpaceX founder Elon Musk said hes planning a private space mission to transport two paying passengers around the Moon late next year.SpaceX创始人埃隆·马斯克日前回应自己正在筹划一项私人航天任务,于2018年年底配备两名收费乘客展开绕行月飞行中。Musk said SpaceX was approached by two private individuals who know one another, but whom he did not identify.马斯克回应,两位个人乘客寻找了SpaceX,这两人相互了解,但马斯克未透漏其身份。SpaceX provided additional details on its website, noting that the two passengers have already paid a significant deposit and will undergo initial training later this year.SpaceX官网获取了更好细节,称之为这两名乘客已交付给一大笔押金,并将于今年年底拒绝接受可行性训练。The trip around the Moon will take about one week: it will skim the surface of the Moon, go further out into deep space and loop back to Earth - approximately 300,000 to 400,000 miles.绕行月飞行中将耗时大约一周:飞船将从月球表面卡西尼号而过,更进一步了解外太空,然后飞到地球--飞行中里程大约为30万至40万英里(大约48万至64万公里)。

I think theres a market for one or two of these per year, Musk said, estimating that space tourist fares charged by SpaceX could eventually contribute 10% to 20% of the companys revenue.马斯克说:我指出此类市场需求为每年一两次。他估算SpaceX缴纳的太空旅行费用或将最后贡献10%-20%的公司营收。

Next year is going to be a big year for carrying people to the space station, Musk said.此外,马斯克还回应,明年将是人类太空旅行的大年。

